ISRAELI MUSIC is changing, in tune with the times. Elton John sings “Sad songs say so much...” but in Hebrew, sad songs have their own elevated status.
A rundown on the Sukkot's history and meaning, differing customs, and rules and times for when Yom Tov begins and ends.
This year’s challenges have tested our faith, but prayer remains a means for introspection and reassessing our priorities.
“Ana b’Koach” is an especially appropriate prayer for the beginning of the year.
This year we do not need the metaphor of trembling fish to underscore the gravity and solemnity of this period. We have trembled for the past 11 months.
US opposition to Itamar Ben Gvir's Temple Mount visit highlights hypocrisy in denying Jewish prayer rights while supporting discriminatory practices.
The Western Wall Heritage Foundation said that the prayer would be held with families of hostages and IDF soldiers slain in battle.
In times of threat and challenge, the value of prayer emerges as a multifaceted tool, offering solace, unity, and a pathway to mental peace.