
New evidence confirms prehistoric brain cannibalism in Poland's Maszycka Cave

Advanced 3D microscopy revealed cut marks on 68% of bones, indicating cannibalism.

Roman ritual site found 200 meters deep in prehistoric Spanish cave

Find includes fifteen Roman inscriptions and a coin from the reign of Emperor Claudius.

Surprising Discovery: How Neolithic paintings and echoes created prehistoric 'surround sound'

A recent study by researchers from the University of Helsinki unveiled the unique acoustic properties of prehistoric rock art sites in Finland's Lake District.

Surprising Discovery: How Neolithic paintings and echoes created prehistoric 'surround sound'

A recent study by researchers from the University of Helsinki unveiled the unique acoustic properties of prehistoric rock art sites in Finland's Lake District.

Stonehenge altar stone traced to northeast Scotland, revealing monument's unifying purpose

Stonehenge may have been a monument uniting Britain's peoples before it became a kingdom.

IAA discovers rare 6,000-year-old elephant ivory vessel near Beersheba

The discovery provides evidence of ties between this region and Egypt in the Chalcolithic period.

The historical timeline of ancient ocean oxygenation: a look into Earth's past

Ancient ocean oxygenation timeline –a key to understand the planet’s history – is revealed by Hebrew University earth scientists.

Neolithic structure uncovered on remote Isle of Arran in Scotland

These structures are found all over the United Kingdom and can be anywhere from 200 meters up to 10 km long.

Ancient mystery: Did fishermen catch a dinosaur and throw it back?

(Video) A massive mysterious creature was found in a Japanese fisherman's net. They threw it back due to its strange odd nature and strong smell.

Purring predators: The adorable secret of saber-toothed tigers

The purring domestic cats of today may have more in common with their fearsome prehistoric ancestors than we thought.

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