Choudary, 57, was convicted last week of directing al-Muhajiroun, which was banned as a terrorist organization more than a decade ago.
A human rights coalition, which includes Human Rights Watch, said the convictions followed a mass trial that was "fundamentally unfair" and called for them to be immediately overturned.
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years for fraud involving $8 billion US dollars, marking his dramatic downfall from billionaire status.
Imran Khan had been sentenced to 10 years for leaking state secrets and 14 years along with his wife for illegally selling state gifts.
One of the first calls the district attorney made when Cavalcante was arrested was to his murder victim's family, allowing them to rejoice in peace.
It was later repurposed as a prison, initially designed for around 400 inmates. Shockingly, this facility now crams up to 8,000 prisoners within.
IPS said that it was continuing to search for solutions to the overcrowding problems, and to ensure that detainees and prisoners had proper living arrangements.
Religious services are being provided through Reaching Out, one of several organizations operated by people affiliated with the Chabad-Lubavitch movement to serve those who are incarcerated.
Maxwell is behind bars in Florida after a Manhattan jury convicted her in December 2021 on five charges for recruiting and grooming four girls for Epstein to abuse between 1994 and 2004.
Islamic State's Libyan branch was one of the militant group's strongest outside its original territory in Iraq and Syria, taking advantage of the chaos and warfare.