Rights groups have long accused Egypt of widespread human rights abuses under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's government, including torture and enforced disappearances.
As part of the US-Iranian deal to release the Iranian funds, five Americans being held in Iran will be released.
IPS said that it was continuing to search for solutions to the overcrowding problems, and to ensure that detainees and prisoners had proper living arrangements.
It was not clear why the Taliban detained the journalist, though the Taliban have cracked down on media since they took over the country two years ago.
Allowing the five to leave Iran, which could take weeks, would remove a major irritant between Washington and Tehran.
Earlier this month, Tehran and Washington reached an agreement whereby five US citizens held in Iran would be freed.
The five Americans will be allowed to leave Iran once the funds are unfrozen, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.
US congressman Steny Hoyer shares concern with “Israeli officials across the spectrum" about the potential Saudi nuclear program turning military.
“The time has come to free the assassin Yigal Amir,” Shamai stated on Channel 14's “The Patriots” panel show on Sunday.
The special parole board determined that Daqqah was considered a murderer and a terrorist. Anti-terrorism legislation consequently applied to Daqqah, and he was not eligible for early release.