proxy relationship

Iran calls Iraq’s president to slam Israel

The Iranian call to Iraq’s president comes after Iraqi-based militias have increasingly said they are targeting Israel with kamikaze drones.

Attacks on Kurds or use of proxies: Middle East awaits Iran’s response

People in the Middle East are concerned about Iran’s vow to attack Israel in the wake of an airstrike in Damascus.

Al-Qaeda resurfaces in Afghanistan with new training camps, Islamic schools

A UN Security Council report has found that since the Taliban resumed ruling Afghanistan in 2021, the country has returned to being a shelter for terrorist organizations.


Israel's deadly dance with Hezbollah has become a chess game

Iran sought to map out a new world order in the region by pushing its pawns, like Hezbollah, forward, and Israel will be challenged to return to a situation like the one that prevailed last year.

How an Iranian ally in Iraq was made to stand down

In announcing the end of their attacks, Kataib Hezbollah said Iran and other allies "often object to the pressure and escalation against the American occupation forces."


New crypto front emerges in Israel's fight to defund Iranian proxies

The Financial Action Task Force, a Paris-based G7 body that fights illicit finance, warned last month that terrorist organizations were seeking to further boost donor anonymity.


The influence of bribery: how can leaders avoid taking bribes?

People in power who are prone to feel guilty are less likely to be corrupt, research shows.

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