Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive display in the Knesset shows cognitive dissonance – a state of tension when reality challenges our self-beliefs.
Adi Peri survived Hamas's attack on her Kibbutz, and now helps other survivors as they navigate being evacuees staying in Eilat.
84% of the female respondents answered that they had experienced mental harm, and 24% answered that they had already sought mental help or had become interested in it.
Results showed the combination of negative weighting bias and self-reported low motivation or emotional energy for effective self-control was linked to students procrastinating.
How wise is the Talmud, and how wonderful is the organization called EFRAT.
RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS: As Israel continues to navigate the complexities of its societal fabric, this study offers a crucial insight into the mechanisms of conflict and perception among its people.
Nivedha Mohan Raj, PhD student at the Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University, in conversation with Tamar Uriel-Beeri, Managing Editor of