Putting an end to the noise from the factory: Machines are seized by the Land Enforcement Authority for prohibited use, posing an environmental hazard to nearby settlement residents.
The public is advised to avoid going to the listed areas and pay attention to the police updates.
Public Diplomacy Minister Galit Distal-Atbaryan said that the Diaspora Affairs Ministry had far more resources and a bigger budget for the job.
Abu Latif, 64, and his son, 24, served as operatives of a criminal organization. Police alleged that they preyed on local businesses, demanding protection fees.
The Israeli government has instructed its foreign service diplomats to whitewash the judicial overhaul. This is a mistake.
Israel's Postal Company is advancing toward privatization, with a focus on improving its service to the public and enhancing public welfare.
It is hoped that with further developments, the drones may be able to transport people for long distances.