18 golden eagles found in Burial 6 represent months in Teotihuacán's 365-day calendar.
Ancient Kushite pyramids in Nubia remain under threat due to ongoing conflicts.
The answer can only be seen from the air.
Experts argue there is no clear evidence that the site's buried layers were built by humans.
On Wednesday, the museum opened its doors to visitors as part of a trial run, with plans to welcome 4,000 visitors per day, both local and international.
How were the Great Pyramids built? It turns out, science and history has a lot of the answers.
Pyramid scheme? Turns out being an elite Egyptian scribe had a lot of drawbacks.
The tomb dates back to the country’s Old Kingdom (c. 2700 BCE - c. 2200 BCE) more than 4,000 years ago.
New rooms were discovered in the Sahura’s Pyramid.
Theorists can spin this discovery as anything they want, though expert geologists believe it is just a mountain.