Rambam Hospital reports outbreak of resistant acinetobacter bacteria in internal wing due to elderly patient from city's old people's home.
The first supplies have already been delivered to the IDF for soldiers on the battlefield.
Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus has reminded doctors and their hospital managements that it has treated and saved the lives of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank for many years.
The floor can contain about 700 beds in an emergency and function independently in terms of electricity, water and oxygen supply.
They stressed the need for unity among academia, industry, and healthcare in both countries, as well as for the benefit of global medicine.
Surgeons at Haifa’s Rambam Health Care Campus have this week performed very difficult but successful surgery on a seven-year-old girl from Amman.
The canine was found to be in moderate condition, suffering from internal bleeding and a fracture in its pelvis.
Poisonous snakes have begun to come out of hiding in Israel now that the weather has gotten warmer. Experts are urging caution.
The two murdered victims make 90 people murdered in Arab areas since the beginning of the year, according to the Abraham Initiatives.
New Israeli research suggests that pregnant women must exercise for 15 minutes each day