Both Tzohar and Itim petitioned the High Court of Justice after Malkieli issued ordinances granting more control over the election process of city rabbis to political parties.
Police said mass prayer on al-Aqsa ended on Friday afternoon with no irregular incidents, after Israel limited the number entering from the West Bank.
A new Pew study finds a sharp decline in regular prayer among American Jews, with 58% now saying they seldom or never pray, up from 45% in 2014.
As demand surges among observant female recruits, the IDF's new religious combat platoon offers a glimpse into how two American lone soldiers balance their faith and military service.
While many ultra-Orthodox Jews support Israel as the Jewish homeland, they oppose early Zionism's secular values. Understanding this distinction is crucial for building a more inclusive movement.
Without employing critical historical perspectives to explore the role of religion and the construction of God, we cannot hope to fully grasp the complex interfaith dynamics at play in the world.
The president wants to round up, remove, and wall off those who, for the most part, are not White and don’t practice his approved brand of Christianity.
According to a new amendment, religion or ethics classes in Poland will be reduced to one hour per week and scheduled either directly before or after students' compulsory educational classes.
The authors of the book build on their own cultural competence: one, an engaged Muslim, and the other an equally involved Jew.
According to lawyer Yair Nehorai, Messianic Judaism is on the ascendancy and is in danger of taking over our police, army, and fragile democracy itself.