Religious Zionists

'Frayed': Looking at what is dividing the National Religious community

This book is a very detailed look at very specific topics – a specific one of the four tribes of Israel, and specific disputes that have created a potential schism.


MKs, rioters break in at Sde Teiman, Motta Gur bases in protest of detention of IDF reservists

MK Zvi Sukkot, who was originally barred from entering, was able to enter through a narrow opening in the fence. 

Religious Zionist rabbis oppose terms for hostage deal: 'The cost endangers Israeli citizens'

Senior Religious Zionist rabbis: Though it is a commandment to save hostages, it should not be at the cost of risking Israel.

Majority of American Christians believe Israel's right to biblical borders, survey finds

Overall, the survey, conducted by SurveyUSA revealed a strong alignment of religious beliefs with support for Israel among American Christians, particularly among evangelicals.

The perversion of religious Zionism

The party that calls itself Religious Zionism not only doesn’t think of land for peace, it thinks of land for war. The hostages are expendable for the hallucination of Jewish settlements in Gaza.

the documentary series The Jewish Underground

Halachic State vs Caliphate: How do Jewish extremists differ from Islamist extremists? - opinion

Each fundamentalist movement presents to its followers a vision of a state of religious law between the river Jordan and the sea - a Halachic State or an Islamic Caliphate.


Protest leader: 'Netanyahu built Hamas, Sinwar doesn't want elections'

Huge protests outside the Knesset on Sunday called for elections. A protest leader told 103FM that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu built Hamas.


Some religious-Zionists see Gaza as a holy war

It’s a vision starkly at odds with Israel’s mainstream, even as the country’s political center has shifted discernibly to the Right in recent years.


Jerusalem municipal elections: Who won? What happens next?

Jerusalem barely turned out to the polls for the municipal elections. What happens next?


Israel's population cannot be the ultra-Orthodox's flak jackets regarding IDF service

Until now, the discussion on recruiting the ultra-Orthodox centered on the question of “equal burden sharing.” This is an even more significant value today.

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