Religious Zionists

Why are Israel's Jews resenting their own people? - opinion

What has gone wrong? Why are committed Jews, those for whom our traditions were blood-beatingly entrenched and revered, now resenting our own religion?

What are the Ten Commandments for religious Zionists? - opinion

These are our core values. In the long term, compromising these values is never worth it. Values are far more important than any fleeting issue.

Israel is divided – can we learn to live and adapt? - opinion

We need to adopt a new way of thinking; one in which all segments of the population – from the river to the sea – can sit round the table together.

The most important difference between secular and religious Zionism - opinion

God’s providence has provided the blessing to the Zionists that built this land - remembering this will ensure our people’s continued success.

Jewish religious singles want to be set up on more dates - poll

The most difficult aspects of finding a partner were: Not getting enough good matches, emotional unavailability and lack of set-ups in general. 

Israel at 75: Zionism is becoming more religious, linked with Judaism

As Israel matures, Zionism is morphing and adopting a more religious tone than its secular founders. Was this inevitable? Should it be stopped? How can we adapt?


Have religious Israeli Jews given up on Israel's secular society? - opinion

At the heart of the crisis plaguing Israel lies the age-old divide between religious and secular Israel.

Hundreds set to gather for first World Orthodox Israel Congress

The three-day Congress, to be held in Jerusalem on April 26-28, will feature presentations and meetings from many of the leading figures in contemporary Orthodox Jewry.


Racist video produced by Jerusalem high school girls faces backlash

The video was titled "If the School was Mizrahi" and shows racist comparisons of Ashkenazi and Mizrahi people.

Senior religious Zionist Rabbi: Rift in Judaism, Israel is dangerous

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Rabbi David Stav stated that Religious Zionism became a cause for separation rather than a bridge "as it used to be."

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