How can the Right create a dynamic community framework like the Left has through protesting?
There will be judicial reform. It will likely require several years of bitter conflict before a resolution is reached. The result will be a compromise that is unsatisfactory in some degree to all.
The Western way of life is under threat. Liberal democracy is threatened by the undermining of trust in its institutions and its history.
Radical Leftists, anarchists, LGBTQ, and Islamists make strange bedfellows, in a world where a war is being waged to control the hearts and minds of the younger generation.
Elad Nehorai and Patrisse Cullors warned that right-wing activists will try to undermine Kamala Harris’s presidential bid by accusing her of antisemitism.
Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman discuss forming a new right-wing party amid ongoing talks, but leadership struggles cause delays.
Right-wing politicians hint at political cooperation and the return of former PM Naftali Bennett in a bid to oust Netanyahu at the next elections.
An Opinionway poll for C News TV said the New Popular Front would win 180-210 seats while an Elabe poll for BFM TV projected a range of 175-205 seats for them.
Björn Höcke was ordered to pay €16,900 for chanting the first two words of the slogan “Everything For Germany,” or “Alles für Deutschland."
The RN and allies had 33% of the vote, followed by a leftwing bloc with 28% and President Emmanuel Macron's centrists with just 20%.