Many countries in the world will begin to factor in the possibility of a Trump victory into their policies.
The end of DeSantis' bid means that former US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is now the last Republican in the race with a shot - albeit a long one - of denying Trump the nomination.
All three remaining Republican candidates have their own advisers on Jewish issues who both steer the candidate on issues of Jewish concern and act as a liaison to Jewish voters.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley debated Wednesday night at Drake University in Des Moines Iowa, days ahead of the Iowa caucuses.
Out-of-state students experiencing antisemitism on college campuses may have their transfer requirements and possibly tuition costs waived to attend Florida state schools.
The case in Escambia County is one of several currently unfolding against local and state book-ban laws — and is not the only one to involve Jewish books.
The State of Florida has claimed that these chapters’ activity has violated the law making it a felony to “knowingly provide material support... to a designated foreign terrorist organization.”
“I will be telling Bibi finish the job once and for all with these butchers,” said DeSantis, using Netanyahu’s nickname.
“Divesting from any company that supports Iran and ensuring that students are able to attend Jewish Day Schools safely is of utmost importance,” Florida Governor DeSantis said.
Nikki Haley, a former UN ambassador who has staked much of her candidacy on her foreign policy credentials, faulted Biden for pressing Israel to consider humanitarian pauses.