
Pepper spray vs. batons: A shift in personal safety after Hamas attack

In response to escalating violence in southern Israel, demand for personal protection gear, including fortified doors and self-defense weapons, has surged.


Why do passengers board a plane from the left side?

There are safety, practical and perhaps also historical reasons why passengers always board the plane from the left side. And what does all this have to do with boat oars?


How to stay safe when building your sukkah this year

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot reminds us of the booths in which the Israelites dwelled during their exodus from Egypt.

Three men rescued from Kinneret by helicopter - video

Three men who were stranded on a jet ski in the Kinneret for several hours were rescued by a helicopter thanks to a joint effort of Israel Police and Magen David Adom.

Israelis are working too many hours, here's how maintain balance in life

Overly long work hours, sleep disturbances, smoking, and an unhealthful diet are likely to raise the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Child's Croc shoe gets caught on side of escalator - photo

Mother warns: Do not allow children to wear Crocs on escalators.

A majority of Israelis feel unsafe amid rampant crime, terror

The absence of a personal security feeling also affects people's actions in public spaces and even on roads.

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