Scientific Research

Archaeological discovery reveals hidden history of Mayan “Snake Kings”

Newly discovered reliefs at Dzibanché depict celestial ancestors of the Kaanu'l dynasty.

Early sugar restriction cuts adult diabetes risk by 35%, study finds

Researchers analyzed health data of 60,000 individuals born during UK sugar rationing after WWII.

Bones from 16th-century shipwreck suggest left-handedness changes what happens to us when we die

Study found mineral content in clavicles increased with age while protein content decreased.

Study reveals Uranus' moon Miranda may harbor subsurface ocean

Researchers mapped Miranda's surface features, including its cracks, ridges, and unique trapezoidal coronae.

European hedgehog classified as 'near threatened' due to sharp population decline

Once classified as "Least Concern," the species is now recognized as "potentially threatened" due to a worrying downward trend in numbers over the past decade.

Scientists unlock secrets of 3,000-year-old tablet revealing path to Noah's Ark

Researchers decipher Babylonian map showing journey to Urartu, believed to be the ark's resting place after the Great Flood.

Scientists test limits with coral breeding to boost heat tolerance, study reveals

Newcastle University researchers lead an effort to enhance coral resilience against marine heatwaves, but caution that climate action is essential

Jerusalem scientists help shed light on large-scale cosmic structures

A new study, which included scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, uncovers the Milky Way's position within vast cosmic structures.

Space travel could improve Huntington's disease? High school students contribute to study

High school students' space experiment on nematodes offers new insights into Huntington's disease and the effects of space travel.

New developments in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

"A bridge has actually been opened between the groundbreaking scientific research to diagnose the disease and the innovative clinical treatment."

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