"A bridge has actually been opened between the groundbreaking scientific research to diagnose the disease and the innovative clinical treatment."
Researchers at Michigan State University found that honeybees can detect lung cancer through human breath. Lung cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed form of cancer worldwide.
The team members said their development will make it possible, for the first time, for faulty enzymes to be replaced within the body.
Police made fewer arrests per reported crime on the hottest days in the sample, and these arrests were more likely to be dismissed in court.
Threats in the Mediterranean include ship strikes, interactions with fisheries, underwater noise from seismic surveys or military operations, and ingestion of marine debris.
JCT’s Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon shares his experience on Israel’s pharmaceutical committee.
Senior author Rabani commented, “Our work opens up new avenues for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cell fate determination during embryonic development.”
The developed technology was recently licensed to a biomedical company (Vaxil Biotherapeutics) for further clinical development.
A new study published earlier this week identified breadfruit and other South American crops introduced to an early settlement on Easter Island.
EEG scans reveal specific changes in brain activity while petting, walking, and playing with a dog.