When I was writing, I promised myself I wouldn’t ask where particular elements came from, now I see that I was co-creating all along, drawing on elements from the ancestral past.
The writing of the Torah was an initiative of the Kyiv chief rabbi, Yonatan Markowitz.
The account of the conversation between the Woman and the Serpent is one of the most enigmatic in the Torah; it’s a subject of many debates and commentaries.
Ninety letters of the Torah were written on the battlefield amid music, dancing, and charred meat for the troops.
The issue garnered attention in the region after a planned Torah burning was approved by Sweden before being scrapped by the organizers, whose goal to ban the burning of all holy books.
Special prayers will also be held in the complex for the swift return of hostages and the health and safety of those suffering and serving the nation.
The parsha opens with: “This is the blessing with which Moses, the man of God, blessed the Israelites farewell before he died” (Deut. 33:1).
It is a fitting benediction to end the festival of Simchat Torah and Sukkot, in which three times we are commanded to rejoice.
There is a common misconception that menstruating women are not allowed to touch the Torah. However, halachic sources dating back to the Talmud do not support such an assertion.
Anyone who wields power must bear in mind the ethical teachings of the prophets, recognizing that values take precedence over power, and should guide those in power.