Russia is seeking to bring Turkey and the Syrian regime together, while also working closely with Iran.
Lavrov, who was chairing the meeting because Russia is the council president for July, responded: "I don't understand, speak more clearly."
After its drone attack against Israel, Iran seeks to continue building its partnership with Russia, which has slammed the UN Security Council's emergency meeting after the attack.
Lavrov alluded to any world leaders who did not take Putin's "acts of goodwill" seriously enough may regret their lack of allegiance.
Lavrov neither confirmed nor denied any of these theories and bizarrely linked them to other "unresolved" conspiracies such as a fake moon landing and 9/11.
The Hamas terror organization stated that they appreciated Lavrov's comments, saying his comments "confirms Washington’s criminal role in the continued suffering of our Palestinian people."
Lavrov accused the West of a neo-colonial mindset in its overtures to the Global South to win backing for Ukraine in the war.
The West is providing weapons to Ukraine as it tries to retake territory Russia has unilaterally annexed since invading its neighbor in February 2022.
Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought two wars in the past 30 years over Nagorno-Karabakh.
Russia has presented a lengthy document that it claims disproves allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential elections.