Arad was called to speak before a parole committee to explain why Carmi should serve the full three-year and three-month sentence he was given in August of 2022.
The report found that some universities have only one staff member handling thousands of sexual harassment cases.
While some 6,500 sex offense cases were opened in these years, the police representative could not say how many of them were rape cases.
The government must act now, allocating resources and ensuring that survivors of sexual violence receive the support they deserve.
Investigators claim that the assailant would stare down his opponents in the courtroom in a "case unlike any other."
As part of the operation, officers posed as young teenagers on social media platforms, including Instagram and WhatsApp, to lure potential suspects.
Peter Yarrow was convicted, served time in jail, received a presidential pardon and explicitly acknowledged and apologized, albeit weakly, for his actions.
Fixing the law is not only a historic correction, it is "incredibly healing," a victim of sexual assault said, thanking the committee.
"Liri is something special," Soussana said. "She is a force. I told her when she came back: 'I don't know if they would have killed me or not, as far as I'm concerned, you saved my life.'"
Atallah was indicted in September 2023 for the rape of a female prison guard in the “prison pimping” case.