Peter Yarrow was convicted, served time in jail, received a presidential pardon and explicitly acknowledged and apologized, albeit weakly, for his actions.
The protection of children online takes a step forward: Virtual police stations from Hotline 105 have been placed within the popular online games Roblox and Minecraft.
Golan also said that he had completely changed his lifestyle and that all of those around him at the time of the alleged incidents we
Rabbi Yosef Paryzer, known as "Jake Segal," pleaded guilty to defrauding 12 women out of a total of 30 counts into relationships by using false identities, which is considered rape under Israeli law.
Baldoni, facing legal action from Lively over claims of sexual harassment and orchestrating a smear campaign, claims the NYT reported on her "unverified and self-serving narratives."
While Baldoni identifies primarily as Baháʼí, his mother, Sharon, is of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, tracing her roots back to Central and Eastern Europe.
Protesters with the New York Hostages Families Forum demanded UN Women's action on Hamas’s gender-based violence allegations.
Schem described the sexual harassment she experienced from her captor, who "kept reminding me that he had seen me without underwear."
Israel must combat sexual violence in all forms, from October 7’s atrocities to daily, hidden assaults.
Police and crisis centers show differing patterns in sex offense complaints, highlighting reporting gaps in Israel.