A 68-page document referred to people with homosexual tendencies studying in seminaries or disclosing this orientation and advised candidates not to openly demonstrate their sexuality.
'The Secret Life of James Dean' details a hidden episode and a disastrous affair that left him feeling sexually exploited.
Lured by the promise of community life and sexual freedom, women gave testimony to the abuses they suffered at "The College."
How Jewish law views sex and gender and tackles intersex, chromosomal, and hormonal issues.
Israel is among the many countries experiencing a dramatic increase in Sexually Transmitted Infections.
The company Kosher Sex has created products with the aim of encouraging individuals to explore their sexuality in a kosher way.
“We mourn for the loss of civilian lives, of Palestinians, Israelis and foreign nationals, who have been made victims of the ongoing occupation and conflict," the union wrote.
Females in the animals kingdom learn what to look for in a mate based on what their older peers look for.
Navigating FWB setups can be tricky. From a sex therapist’s point of view, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to relationships. But here are some tips:
People tend to choose partners who are similar to them.