The forces stealthily entered the building where the hostages were held, as the surrounding apartments were full of armed terrorists.
The cornerstone laying ceremony for the Shira and Ishay David Center for Urgent Oncology Medicine at Sheba Medical Center took place February 4, the day International Cancer Day was marked.
These centers will treat individuals in Israel's Defense Force along with their family members, and it is expected that the centers will significantly enhance the country's response to PTSD victims
Doctors saw signs that hostages were branded, held in handcuffs, and sexually abused.
"The AIDS epidemic is still with us," said Prof. Itzchak Levy, director of the HIV/AIDS center at Sheba Medical Center.
Hostages have been released gradually every day, and the doctors treating them are learning exactly what it means to care for a former Hamas hostage.
A similar incident was recently reported at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. Everyone involved is doing well and closely monitored.
Shoham Ben Harush wanted his organs to have a life-changing impact on others, his father said. In the end, they did.
Following a harrowing escape from their burning home, the Golan family finds refuge and medical treatment in Sheba Medical Center's underground facility.
"This is the first time we have come across such a case," said an airport employee.