
Video of an 8-meter, 200-kilogram green anaconda in the Amazon will leave you breathless

‘We have discovered that green anacondas are actually two species,’ said the head researcher.

From ancient Iran: The snake board game that time forgot, is now playable again

The game, discovered in 1977, includes a decorated wooden board featuring a snake motif, 27 carved pieces, and four uniquely shaped dice.

Man bitten by viper during air-raid siren stresses importance of following emergency protocol

In response to a venomous viper bite, Yossi Bezalel stressed that following the Home Front Command’s guidelines saved his life: "I understand now.”

Giant snake species accidentally discovered during filming with Will Smith

Some reports suggest the snake can grow to lengths exceeding 7.5 metres long and weigh 500 kilograms.

Child narrowly escapes venomous snake in underwear drawer

An Australian mother's search of her child's underwear drawer turns perilous when she discovers a highly deadly venomous snake.

Why was it a snake that tempted Adam and Eve to sin?

The common denominator between nachash, nechoshet, and nichush is that they all play second fiddle to something else. In other words, they are not as important as they want you to think.


Only 10% succeeded: Spot the sneaky snake hiding in plain sight

Do you have hawk-like vision? If so, your odds of spotting the cunningly concealed snake among the foliage are excellent. Will you take on the challenge?

Scientists discover new lizard in Angola with eyelids but no ears

The snake-like creature is a new addition to a family of lizards called 'skinks.'

Live parasitic worm extracted from 64-year-old woman's brain

While scientists are familiar with parasites in humans, a worm so large had never before been seen in a human.


New snake species discovered, named after Indiana Jones star

Harrison Ford, known for his role as Indiana Jones and his "Why did it have to be snakes?" catchphrase, now has a new species of serpent named after him.

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