A group of Mexican young women took the Charlie Charlie challenge, unknowingly inviting a mean ghost. Even if you're not usually a believer, what came next is quite spooky.
Yom Kippur brings the holiday of fasting, but according to fasting guru Gabriel Cousens, doing so may help you on a spiritual level.
A 31-year-old woman from California claimed she could speak to the dead - and that they told her what the afterlife is like.
44% of Americans reported having some interaction with deceased family members.
I often find myself reflecting on my father’s passing. It is during such moments that I experience a profound sense of love, pride, and appreciation for my Jewishness.
Abraham’s call to leave a culture steeped in idol worship was a call to leave all that was familiar to him.
The "finely carved" bath averages some two-meters in depth, with independent pools and spillways and a central passage taking water into a drainage duct.
One element of the washing is called “shifshuf yadayim,” which literally means “rubbing the hands,” and is initially described in the Tosefta (Yadaim 1:2), a 2nd-century CE compilation of Torah law.