EndoStream Medical, which developed an implant to help treat cerebrovascular diseases, has been acquired by a Japanese public corporation, with expected sales of $500 million by 2030.
The company is still young, and the challenge of designing the right office for it is significant. Hadar Lahav-Miterni from Auerbach Halevy Architects explains the process.
As companies adapt to these new guidelines, it will be essential to ensure that all agreements signed from January 1 onwards comply with the updated regulations to avoid any future tax complications.
In response to the ranking, Brand IL launched a $100m rebranding campaign to reverse negative perceptions of Israel.
Israel already had a thriving startup scene, with some companies already winning orders from abroad and aiming to shape the battlefield of the future.
Erel Margalit highlights investment opportunities, innovation, and the future of Israel's northern region post-conflict: "High tech has become not only a business, but a card for diplomacy."
"This type of gene editing should also allow for the treatment of diseases whose origin is not genetic or whose origin cannot be identified in one particular gene," says founder Zaks
The Israeli company creates "digital paper" that allows students and teachers to write in their own handwriting. The process and connection to this fund were supported by MindCET, a division of CET.
The Inside Israeli Innovation Podcast: Season 2, Episode 45.
The grant package will include expert support from JGive specialists, customized marketing and advertising services, and strategic mentorship provided by the foundation.