Jerusalem struggles, while Herzliya and Kfar Saba excel.
Israel faces record emigration, with 40,600 leaving this year, numbers the country has never seen before.
A recent study showed that the sudden job loss of a parent can significantly impact the child's academic future and increase the probability of their involvement in crime.
Double-checking the data with independent verification will be impossible due to the lack of independent sources in Gaza.
After the October 7 massacre, many of those who believed that the land should be relinquished to Palestinians as part of a peace agreement changed their positions after the brutality of the massacre.
Analysis of 16 cities shows 1.2% decrease in national average apartment prices, with Netanya experiencing remarkable 28% surge
The Central Bureau of Statistics reports an all-time high in employment among haredi men at 55.8% – surpassing last quarter’s record-breaking 55%.
Central Bureau of Statistics Report Highlights Academic Achievements and Emerging Trends in Higher Education