
Histadrut coordinated nationwide strike with PM's office - coalition member

Netanyahu's spokesperson Yonatan Urich reportedly urged the Histadrut to launch the strike to give Netanyahu a reason to stop the legislation.

Hi-tech sector joins general strike following Histadrut’s call-to-action

There is a growing list of leading hi-tech companies throughout Israel’s hi-tech sector joining the strike against the government’s judicial overhaul.

Israeli airspace opens after Ben-Gurion Airport lifts strike

This announcement followed a previous statement saying there would be no flights leaving Ben-Gurion Airport in protest of the judicial reform.

IDF reservist duty has only dropped by 8% since August, IDF data shows

The numbers, which are in question, come as IDF reservists have vowed to strike in response to the Israeli judicial reform.

Israel's striking reservist pilots are short-sighted - analysis

The IDF is composed of many people for whom convictions go to the root of their being. Sometimes the government will make decisions that go against these convictions.


If key IDF reservists not ready for war – how bad could striking be? - analysis

There is no question that at least some of the nightmare scenarios of reservists striking due to judicial reform could be catastrophic for the IDF.

IDF chief doubles down against reservists striking over judicial reform

A growing number of IDF reservists in a range of parts of the military have threatened to skip their call-ups if the government does not back off from its judicial overhaul plans.

Local authority strike to pause until Thursday ‘to allow progress in dialogue’

According to a statement, Israel's Federation of Local Authorities is set to meet next Thursday to make plans for the future.

Israeli teachers' strikes are harming our children - opinion

Israeli leaders from across the spectrum should be reminded that we are causing our children untold harm by keeping them from attending classes.


Gaza contractors launch partial strike against UNRWA projects

If the UNRWA continues to ignore the contractors' financial rights, the halt will be total by mid-May, union official says.

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