
Sukkot: A versatile verse

In the evolution of Judaism, the emergence of citing “And Moses declared…” on festival mornings as a preface to the blessing over the wine is cloudy.

Sukkot: Joy in permanence and transience

When we enter the sukkah, we are called upon to remember that our well-being – health, relationships, sustenance – is a gift from God.

WATCH: Over 50,000 Jewish worshipers gather for Birkat Kohanim at Western Wall

The tradition of conducting a mass event for the blessing has been a highlight of the week-long Sukkot and Passover holidays.

How 'The Holiday' Sukkot is celebrated throughout the ages - opinion

Sukkot, as a holiday, is imbued with significance.

National dialogue project hosts 'meaningful conversations' in sukkot across Israel

Participants register on a website to host or be hosted for an evening of intentional discussion • Prominent artists, politicians, and rabbis to facilitate

Herzog visits sukkot of Chief Rabbis ahead of his own sukkah 'open house'

The President and Chief Rabbis agreed that Sukkot should be a time of peace and understanding • President Herzog's own sukkah will emphasize Israeli sports

MK Arye Deri's $5,000 etrog raises legal questions

This may be the most expensive yellow citron sold in 2023.

During Hol Hamoed, the best of Israel is on display - editorial

The fact that so many Israelis are out exploring every facet of the country during Hol Hamoed is proof that Israelis realize they are living amid treasures to be enjoyed and savored.

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