There is a general mood that the future is brighter than the immediate past, bringing unique opportunities to chart a positive momentum.
"It appears, however, that under the dark shadow cast by the war over all citizens of Israel, both Arabs and Jews, meaningful bright spots are emerging," research leader Dr. Arik Rudnitzky remarked.
The survey aimed to look at the usage of e-scooters by Israeli women, the concerns preventing them from riding and potential solutions to encourage more use.
New data shows the worrying reality of how American Jewish teens view Israel.
Researchers found that participants who used text abbreviations were perceived as putting in less effort, resulting in fewer responses.
The study surveyed 1,180 participants in Israel about their knowledge and attitudes regarding climate change and its effects on the environment.
The survey, conducted by Midgam Research & Consulting, involved 1,482 respondents—772 Israeli-Americans and 710 Jewish-Americans without Israeli backgrounds.
According to the survey, Arab-Americans primarily perceive their votes to hold consequence in the November election.
The survey raised concerns among mental health experts about the potential consequences of self-diagnosis, which could lead to incorrect treatment.
"2024 has seen a profound deterioration in the situation of Diaspora Jews, largely due to the war in Israel, significantly affecting the sense of security for Jews around the world."