Prof. Avi Wigderson, leading theoretical computer scientist and Technion alumnus and honorary doctorate recipient, wins ‘Nobel Prize of Computing’ for contribution to theoretical computer science.
The study focused on species of the Bacteroidales order, some of the most abundant species in the human gut microbiome.
Rozen and his team say scientists already have "all the pieces needed" to return to pre-Industrial Revolution temperatures.
The Technion's patent portfolio currently includes 1,815 registered patents and patent applications.
Coexistence affairs: “Should the perpetrators of such hate speech be protected by freedom of speech? Should they be allowed to share a classroom with the victims of the atrocities they praise?"
“The welcome growth in the number of women studying at the Technion means that it is all the more important to provide the new mothers among them with suitable and respectful conditions for nursing."
The goals of the gift are cancer research and human health, using a multidisciplinary approach and relying on all the Technion’s capabilities and its close ties with hospitals
Prof. Shulamit Levenberg from the Haifa Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is among the few Israeli women scientists who have invented the most innovative technologies and registered patents.
As universities abroad do little to combat antisemitism, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa invites Israelis and Jews to join their academic community in Israel
This assistance, which adds to a series of support measures we have already taken, will provide them with a financial envelope and some peace of mind during these tumultuous days.