tel aviv protest

Monday is a critical day for Israel as Knesset votes on judicial reform - opinion

They must realize that the price Israel will pay for this "victory" will be to escalate the social andpolitical schism in the country, and possibly lead to civil violence.

Are protests just about judicial reform or political agendas? -analysis

The fact that all of the opposition is against the reform and all of the coalition in support of the reform indicates that there is at least some realpolitik at play.

Israel's reasonableness standard law takes effect amid protests

Israel begins to see economic ramifications of judicial reform • High Court hearing on new bill set for after summer recess

Tel Aviv-Jaffa unveils 'Democracy Square' in tribute to protests upholding democratic values

The new name serves as a tribute to the countless of demonstrators who have gathered at this location for 28 consecutive weeks.

'Day of Resistance:' Police and protesters clash at Ben-Gurion Airport

Many protesters carried Israeli flags, turning the station into a sea of blue and white.

Israel Police arrest 7 protesters at Ben-Gurion Airport's Terminal 3

Due to operational challenges, the protest was relocated from its original place in Terminal 1 to Terminal 3, following a direct ruling from Attorney-General allowing the change.

Driver rams protesters on Ayalon highway as protests spread across country

Protests broke out across the country after Tel Aviv district commander Ami Eshed announced he was resigning from the police.

My Word: The fires of perpetual protests

In 1999, Barak beat Netanyahu to become prime minister for a little more than one messy year, and he has never forgiven Bibi for coming back to power, again and again.

Israeli protestors kick off 24th weekly judicial reform demonstrations

Demonstrations in over 150 locations are expected, while the central demonstration, as usual, will be held on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv.

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