terror funding

US lawmakers urge EU to fully proscribe Hezbollah as terror group

Some legislators have noted that Hezbollah has used Europe a a base to launch criminal and terrorist activities.

Christian fundraising site platforms neo-Nazi raising funds to build 'all-white' town

GiveSendGo has facilitated 230 campaigns by or for extremists, according to an ADL report, and states that they are not obligated to remove any content shared.

Hezbollah financier arrested in Romania

Hezbollah has thrived over the years by using complex means that span the globe, including flows of money from West Africa and South America.

Bipartisan bill seek to sanction Hamas financial supporters

Two congressman, one of whom served in the IDF, have presented a potential bill sanctioning organisations funding Hamas

UK minister of state for the Middle East visits Israel

Lord Ahmad met with Palestinian officials, controversial groups and Israeli officials on his first official visit to Israel.

Israel to UK: Designate Iran's IRGC as a terror organization

"Such a step would send an unequivocal message to the Iranian terrorist regime against the terrorist activities it leads in the Middle East and around the world."

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