Animal-based agriculture is the main cause of climate change, and using it violates at least six fundamental Jewish teachings.
We are never going back into hiding.
A short story marks 120 years of the ‘road not taken’ in the history of Zionism.
Zionism’s foundation was built on the dream of returning to the land of Israel and never forgetting Israel, a sentiment that is uniquely Diaspora-centered.
Maybe Herzl would have been impressed by the state we established, but we in the World Zionist Organization know that the work is far from over.
Zionism’s old-new centripetal liberalism is still open, democratic, tolerant, individualistic. But it is also communitarian, traditional, family-oriented, meaning-making and soul-stretching.
Over the past 2,000 years, Jews have suffered through exile and desolation. From the Romans to the Holocaust, they faced enemies and antisemites who tried to annihilate them.
The dual tragedy of Theodor, that of the young man and his older self, is how both promises turned to dross under the harsh sunlight of reality.
Writer, thinker, and Herzl admirer Gol Kalev believes the Zionist leader’s ideology and strategies are still relevant to current issues.
The time has come to abandon old rivalries in order to offer interpretations of Judaism consistent with democracy so that Israeli voters can vote for a Jewish and democratic state.