
White House directs NASA to establish a time standard for the moon

On Tuesday, the White House directed NASA to establish a unified time standard for the moon and other celestial bodies.


Taylor Swift named Time's Person of the Year, capping her record-breaking 2023

Swift took the award in a year when her nearly two decades of fame and influence came to a peak, the magazine said in announcing the title.

Sunset in Tel Aviv Israel

New position statement by American medicine experts supports permanent Standard Time

“By causing the human body clock to be misaligned with the natural environment, daylight saving time increases risks to our physical health, mental well-being, and public safety,” said Dr. Rishi.

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech: Finite, yet far-reaching

Like Doctor Who, who travels in the TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) machine, we go back and forth in our history.

'Humanity will experience a global blackout in the near future'

A self-proclaimed "time traveler from 2671" predicts a worldwide blackout in October, leading to increased crime and chaos.

200-year-old time capsule reveals US historical treasures

Despite the capsule initially appearing empty, several historic treasures were discovered hidden within.

The shock and awe of growing old(er) - opinion

I’m not planning on retiring any time soon. Tiring, maybe, but not giving up the fight. That’s what life is all about.

Aliens will destroy Earth in a matter of months, TikTok ‘time traveler’ claims

An alien by the name of “The Vanguard” will arrive on Earth to warn the human race of imminent destruction.

Time management struggles: The guilt of wasting time - opinion

I want to listen to Bruce Springsteen, but know I should listen to daf yomi. I want to listen to a history lecture, but know I should be listening to a podcast on the great judicial reform debate.


Days on Earth lasted just 19 hours for a billion years - study

In the distant past, a day on Earth lasted just 19 hours due to the Moon having been closer to the Earth.

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