It is found in every Israeli salad and is considered very healthy, but a new study found how beneficial it is for your blood pressure.
A scientific breakthrough from Tel Aviv University will help increase plant yields under dry conditions.
Discover the advantages tomatoes have in relation to blood pressure.
Victory chain CEO criticizes Agriculture Ministry for inadequate response, urges action to prevent imports
American scientists agree on the evolution of the entire tomato species, from tiny to hairy and awful-tasting to the large and sweet.
"Even tomatoes need a vacation...we are unable to add tomatoes to our food," read notices posted at two Burger King India outlets.
Learn simple tricks to extend the shelf life of your produce and prevent food from going to waste
This is the first demonstration of the artificial intelligence tool’s potential for collaborating with humans
Hebrew University researchers cross Peruvian wild tomatoes with popular ones to create a new drought-tolerant variety
The findings of this study can help improve global food security and minimize agricultrual damage.