
The Torah outlines the foundational narrative of Judaism. It consists of the first five of the 24 books that make up the Tanach. The five books are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It narrates the origins of Judaism- from God's creation of the world, to the descent of the people of Israel into Egypt and their salvation with the granting of the Torah on Mt. Sinai. The Torah ends with the death of Moses, prior to the people's crossing to the promised land. The books highlight civil laws, religious obligations, and teachings such as the 10 commandments.
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Parashat Va'era: Pharaoh’s sin of hubris

The blessing that led Pharaoh to the sin of arrogance is the very thing that will turn into a curse.

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'Derech eretz' comes before unity

Derech eretz (the ways of the land) acknowledges our shared experiences and shows respect for our collective shared existence.

Parashat Shemot: Compassion and respect for others

Redemption and progress cannot come at the expense of another’s dignity.

Parashat Shemot: Women as leaders

The remarkable story of six heroines – six courageous women without whom there would not have been a Moses.

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