The Gibor L’Gibor (Hero to Hero) program pairs wounded combat soldiers with soldiers with special needs for horse or dog therapy sessions.
Nova Festival survivors and their families will now receive subsidized professional counseling from Israel's National Insurance Institute, providing crucial support after the October 7 massacre.
While over 90% of people experience a major traumatic event at some point during their lifetime, most walk away unscathed. Others, however, carry emotional scars for decades.
The course, which took place in July, involved a comparative study of trauma responses in the two major cities of Jerusalem and New York.
Lisa Timinsky never gave up on her dream of riding horses. Today, she practices equine-assisted therapy.
“Together, we seek to surround the children with love and tell them they are not alone, said the Chairwoman of the Jewish Agency's Fund for Victims of Terror, Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin.
“Album Darom: Israeli Photographers in Tribute to the People of the Western Negev” is the first group artistic endeavor in Israel to confront the boundless tragedy of Hamas’s October 7 massacre.
Houthi UAV attack Leaves Tel Aviv in Shock as residents assess the damage.
Just as we learn to differentiate poisonous plants and snakes from innocuous ones, we must learn to see who is safe and who is toxic.
Watch the new episode of Conversation Corner by Ono Academic College and The Jerusalem Post.