No damage was reported from the quake, and none was expected to follow it in its aftermath.
Taiwan's fire department said on Wednesday that a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit the island's east coast. According to reports, nine people died, more than 800 were injured, and over 50 are missing.
After massive Japan earthquake and tsunami, surrounding countries are hit and issue tsunami warnings.
Tsunami of up to 5 meters high are believed to be reaching Noto in Ishikawa Prefecture, according to the weather agency.
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According to Alaric, in September 2023, Houston, Texas - one of the largest cities in the USA - will face a category 6 mega-hurricane that will result in its destruction.
Understanding how previous tsunamis affected the coastline can help us plan for future tsunamis.
A Japanese seismologist warned of the potential of devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, which could hit Istanbul in Turkey.
A recent study found that massive tsunamis from Antarctica hit South America, New Zealand and Southeast Asia during two previous periods of global warming.
Tsunami waves ranging from 0.3m to 1 meter above the tide level are possible for some coasts of Vanuatu, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.