KKL-JNF’s Planting Week, part of Tu Bishvat celebrations, was held this year in a special spirit of remembrance – against the background of fierce fighting on Israel’s borders.
For Tu Bishvat, the Jewish 'New Year of Trees', KKL-JNF is inviting people in Israel and all over the world to plant a sapling - either in person or via Zoom.
Serve fresh fruits and nuts for Tu Bishvat instead of sugared dried fruits that contain chemicals and artificial colors.
Are dried fruits really a healthier option compared to fresh fruits? Dr. Maya Roseman sheds light on the subject.
Below, I am bringing you two recipes for cookies that are made especially for the Festival of Sons and are perfect for serving on Tu Bishvat.
Given the nutty year we’re having, let’s infuse some sweetness with these fruits and embrace a Tu Bishvat that not only tantalizes our senses but also brings a ray of hope and unity into our lives.
Beyond the Headlines: A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news.
Those different names for God not only reflect God’s divergent qualities but also mirror the divergence of how we as individuals experience and understand God.
Comparing their worship to a mishkan, the portable sanctuary that the Israelites carried in the desert, Rabbi Rothbaum said of the protesters, “They go to shul at ‘Cop City.'”