UNESCO is not just overstepping its mandate; it’s taking a blatant side in a geopolitical conflict. This is a direct insult to every Jew and Christian who respects the Bible.
Presently, over 1,000 mountain gorillas thrive in their natural habitat. The International Union for Conservation of Nature removed the mountain gorilla from the endangered species list in 2018.
Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.
Joshua’s battle over Jericho is ancient history but there is an important battle to fight today – combating the replacement of Jewish history by the Palestinian narrative in UNESCO
Jericho prides itself on being the oldest most continuously inhabited city in the world, dating back over 10,000 years and for being at the lowest point below sea level of any municipality.
The entrance to the "condor's passageway" was first explored by a Stanford University team using cameras mounted on robots.
Washington owes the UN some $619 million in past dues because it did not pay what it owed UNESCO. It appears that now the administration will make good on this debt.
US law forbids Washington from funding UN bodies that have admitted Palestine as a full member. The American return to UNESCO was enabled after a waiver from Congress.
UNESCO is best known for designating and protecting archaeological and heritage sites, from the Galapagos Islands to the tombs of Timbuktu.
What may be the ancestor of the modern pizza has been discovered in a fresco in the Roman city of Pompeii.