Organizers emphasized that the march was the culmination of continuous collaborative efforts between civil organizations and schools throughout the year to promote common life in the region.
By our respecting each other and joining together in one giant blaze of glory, we can shine a beacon of unity into the heavens that can dispel any plague, any war, any crisis.
This will be a very different Independence Day
'The truth is my heart breaks for each and every one of you who is not here, who doesn’t get to witness firsthand what Israel has become during this unbelievably difficult time,' the author says.
When we learn the lesson of the Sea of Reeds to feel unity in our hearts, with all our differences, we can be more of the mind to “see” each other, be more forgiving, and able to focus on the good.
Elchanan Kalmanson died a hero, and will forever be remembered as a person who put the safety of others over his own needs.
Only an identity that is the synthesis of all its parts will keep Israel safe and ready to fulfill its true destiny of being a light unto the nations.
Unifying the Jewish people, fighting for a brighter future, and saving humanity (by fighting terror) may still be the silver lining coming out of Hamas’s insanity.
Despite orthogonal religious and ethnic backgrounds, we as a nation must learn the value of diversity and to respect disparate lifestyles.
The reason Likud MKs gave for opposing the bill: not wanting to raise issues now that would split the country.