Donio took his own life the day after another IDF veteran, Bar Klaf, set himself on fire following a rejected request to be recognized as a disabled veteran.
The man had applied to be recognized as disabled by the IDF, but the application was rejected, the Defense Ministry stated.
While turmoil reigned outside, which bills passed this term after joint efforts by the coalition and opposition?
The injured soldier was attempting to return to his family after receiving treatment in Israel.
The launch of this groundbreaking platform is a key component of the "One Soul" reform, aimed at improving the quality of care provided to IDF veterans.
The Veteran Games are built around the reality that the whole family often struggles when an injured veteran returns from war and they have a crucial role to play in their loved one's recovery.
The event was held in honor of the 75th anniversary of the air strike at the Ad Halom bridge over Israel's southern Lakhish River.
Beliefs are not equally held amongst different branches of the military, with the Marine Corps veterans showing higher support for Antifa and the Proud Boys.
Serving in the IDF is something that shapes the lives of Israelis from their mid-teens to middle age. Israeli kids don’t simply leave school, show up at the nearest base, sign on, serve and leave.
The veteran had filed a claim on the grounds of mental illness in 2015 that was rejected.