
Ancient Viking burial ship discovered in Norway - report

The site, a grave mound in Karmoy in western Norway, was discovered by archeologist Haakon Shetelig over 100 years ago.

Two men arrested after trying to sell Anglo-Saxon coins to undercover police

The coins found in the possession of the two men are believed to have been minted between 874CE and 879CE and issued in both Wessex and Mercia. 

Viking nobility ring, rare coins unearthed by child playing with metal detector

The coins featured a cross which, according to the museum’s statement, indicated that the coins are from late within King Bluetooth’s rule. 

Did rising sea levels push the Vikings out of Greenland? - study

The mystery of the disappearance of Vikings from Greenland has long been the subject of debate. This new study found that sea levels rose due to the Little Ice Age.


Archaeologists in Denmark uncover hall that may have belonged to Viking noble

The hall likely dates to the last half of the ninth century or the beginning of the 11th century

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