The rare Petrel has only been spotted in Israel seven times before Tuesday’s discovery.
Teams managed to remove four embryos from the shark which were placed in a seawater tank in an attempt to revive them, but this was unsuccessful.
Hundreds of birds in the same family as the falcon were found dead on Sunday in the western Negev, leading investigators to believe they drank from poisoned water.
Midbarium is called an experiential animal park because one of its main goals is to allow visitors to experience animals’ movements and behaviors.
Shortly after swimming away from Eilat's shore, one of the turtles was spotted stopping by a coral reef, possibly looking for a snack.
The long-legged buzzard with spectacular chestnut brown plumage, is one of the most impressive raptors in Israel.
Lizard’s blood after military jet flyovers had higher levels of ketone and corticosterone.
While Americans may see the eagle as a holy bird, and despite common misconception, “nesher” does not mean eagle - it means vulure.
The owl was discovered by the side of the road injured, mostly likely from a passing vehicle.
Germany is the largest importer of African elephant hunting trophies, and animal welfare groups have pressured the government to restrict the practice.