IDF launches Turkish language social media platforms

With the launch of these new accounts, the IDF now operates and provides information in seven languages: Hebrew, English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Persian, and Turkish.

 Kingsley WIlson was recently appointed as deputy press secretary at the Pentagon.

Pentagon official posted neo-Nazi talking point about Jewish lynching victim Leo Frank last year

Kingsley Wilson, the Pentagon's deputy press secretary, posted a neo-Nazi talking point about Leo Frank and echoed antisemitic conspiracy theories in past tweets.


'Incitement for murder': Officials demand action on Sydney nurses

The two nurses were seen in a video on social media saying that they have already killed Israeli patients in the past, and will send more Israelis to hell.

Kanye West closes X account, Yeezy now sells just one product: Swastika tee

He announced "I'm logging out" before closing the account, and thanked X owner Elon Musk for allowing him to rant.

Elon Musk macht Holocaust-Witze, nachdem Netanjahu ihn als „großen Freund Israels“ verteidigt

Musk hat ein provokantes Wortspiel auf X gepostet: Sätze, in denen er einzelne Wörter durch Namen einflussreicher Nationalsozialisten ersetzte, wie „Sag nicht Hess [statt Yes / Ja] zu Nazi-Vorwürfen.


Albanian PM ridicules Amit Segal for report of moving Palestinians to Albania

Segal's N12 report came shortly after US President Donald Trump called on Jordan and Egypt to accept more Palestinians from Gaza, which had then sparked accusations of "ethnic cleansing."

Elon Musk makes Holocaust jokes after Netanyahu defends him as ‘great friend of Israel’

“Don’t say Hess to Nazi accusations! Some people will Goebbels anything down! Stop Gőring your enemies! His pronouns would’ve been He/Himmler! Bet you did nazi that coming,” Musk posted Thursday.


MKs initiate process to remove Ayman Odeh from Knesset

Odeh wrote on X, "Happy about the release of the hostages and prisoners. From here, both nations must be freed from the burden of occupation. We were all born free."

Musk on X: Martians will decide their own government

Musk proposes direct democracy for Mars, allowing colonists to vote directly on laws and policies.

Trump sides with tech advisors over dispute about skilled immigrant visas

Trump agreed with his new tech backers on the recently raised issue of highly skilled immigrant visas, even though he made moves to curb the program in his first administration.

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