Zionism, at its best, synthesizes Jewish values with liberal democracy, juggling universalism and particularism. The balance resonates with the West’s silenced majority.
"I know descendants of Holocaust survivors who had no qualms about moving to Berlin, of all places. People leave Israel for so many reasons."
Oppenheimer’s visits to Israel and his advisory role at the Weizmann Institute do not make him a Zionist. However, two speeches that he gave indicate that he empathized with the Zionist enterprise.
Jews must hide their identity, Australian politicians criminalize Israel, and antisemites run wild.
Professor Joseph Massad will be teaching an undergraduate course History of the Jewish Enlightenment (Haskala) in 19th century Europe and the development of Zionism.
"I think there is no such thing as a secular person who lives in our country," MK Simcha Rothman said in an interview on Daniel Dushi’s podcast.
"Muss has truly transformed me. I’ve gained important life skills, experienced thousands of years of history, and developed a strong Zionist identity".
Jewish National Fund-USA National President Deb Lust Zaluda at JPost Miami Summit.
Yaakov Hagoel at Miami Summit: 'The Jewish diaspora mobilized in an extraordinary way in support of Israel.'