One year since his passing, political thinker Shlomo Avineri’s legacy is ever more relevant for an injured Jewish state.
We who believe in Jewish unity have to be the strong ones who take the first step with our brothers and sisters, some of whom might not understand our position.
The Australian Jewish community is deeply disappointed, even abandoned, by Government policies and actions toward the Jewish community.
The ITEC Foundation Gala Chairwoman, Wendy Slavin, leads a sold-out event to raise over $1 million to support mental health and leadership programs for Israeli children from all backgrounds.
You can stand for your principles without diminishing others. Some can disagree with you. If they choose to get insulted by your commitment to Israel, that’s on them, not you.
We have always called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, firmly rejecting all forms of violence or extremism, whether stemming from nations, groups, or political parties" says Charai.
As the Middle East region transforms, so too does the calculus guiding the interactions between Israel and Saudi Arabia.