Palestinian, Israeli wounded in West Bank clashes

Violent clashes erupt in Kusra south of Nablus; IDF sends in troops to disperse crowds; "PA may be unable to control demonstrators."

IDF tear gas fire at Palestinians throw stones in Nebi Salah (photo credit: IDF Spokesman)
IDF tear gas fire at Palestinians throw stones in Nebi Salah
(photo credit: IDF Spokesman)
A Palestinian was shot and seriously injured by a settler Friday afternoon as Palestinians and settlers clashed near the village of Kusra, south of Nablus, in the West Bank.
The clashes erupted outside the village as at least one settler was reported to have been stabbed.
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The circumstances that led to the violence were unclear.
The IDF deployed large forces to the area to disperse the crowds.
Clashes also took place between IDF forces and demonstrators in the West Bank town of Nebi Salah, the site of weekly demonstrations.
The clashes came as the IDF went on high alert ahead of planned Palestinian demonstrations throughout next week in conjunction with the Palestinian Authority's planned declaration of statehood at the United Nations.
IDF sources have warned that settler violence could lead to an escalation of hostilities.
Palestinian officials warned Israel last week that if so-called "price tag" settler attacks continued in the West Bank, they would not be able to control the demonstrators.
Initial demonstrations are expected to begin already this weekend at the Kalandiya checkpoint outside Jerusalem as well as other points through out the West bank.

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The IDF was concerned the demonstrations could incite additional violence.