The Jerusalem Post Christian World portal is a place where individuals can connect to the people, land and State of Israel through a Christian and biblical lens.
Troy Miller, head of National Religious Broadcasters, says Christians now connect with Israel in the present, not just its biblical past or future role.
Despite his periodic health issues and reduced mobility, Francis has kept up a busy schedule, including foreign travel.
"It's as if history is back, as if the identity of the city is back," UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay.
As the leader of Christians for Israel (C4i), a charity with branches in Canada and the US, Rev. Tweedie has long worked to support Israel’s most vulnerable populations.
A British Anglican priest lost his position after mimicking Elon Musk's controversial gesture at a major pro-life summit, sparking fierce debate over his intentions and the church's swift response.
According to a new amendment, religion or ethics classes in Poland will be reduced to one hour per week and scheduled either directly before or after students' compulsory educational classes.
'It is an autobiography, but for me autobiographies are to thank God for what he has done with my life,' he said.
Trump had chosen the Bible the 16th President Abraham Lincoln was sworn in on and one given to Trump by his mother, his transition team said.
Fourteen-year-old Nemanja Milošević swam for the fifth time and plans to continue swimming in coming years.
An investigation reveals abuse spanning from the 1960s to the 2000s, with cases in France and abroad.